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Target Audience Segmentation: Customizing Messages for Maximum Impact

Scott Jacobson ontario airport

Audience segmentation, a marketing strategy involving identifying subgroups in a target market, aims to maximize companies’ efforts by offering tailored messaging. By speaking directly to specific consumer subsets, businesses can create a more personalized experience and increase their chances of converting leads into paying customers.

Scott Jacobson, airport advertising expert says that entrepreneurs with a clear understanding of their targeted demographics provide the best service, accurately influencing the path to a purchase for emphasized results. 

How to Segment Audiences

The aim of the segmenting game is to group individuals based on shared characteristics. While simple enough, humans are truly complex creatures. Thus, there are a few different ways to perform audience segmentation, as detailed below:

Demographic Segmentation

Businesses of all shapes and sizes typically conduct demographic segmentation. Why? Simply put, it’s easy and it works. 

Demographics exist in many areas of life — age, education level, income level, job type, etc. — so entrepreneurs can pick from a variety of characteristics that suit them and their business.

That said, it only offers a basic top-level view of the target markets. For a granular perspective, demographic segmentation needs some combining with others. 

Geographic Segmentation

This involves separating people based on their physical location, and can be made as expansive or narrow as necessary. 

Using demographic and geographic segmentation together is a commonly chosen route. For instance, businesses targeting farmers (job type, demographic segmentation) should advertise to these workers in the same area (geographic) to account for the seasonal goods required for harvesting. 

Behavioral Segmentation

Segmenting people by the actions they take can be a game-changer for businesses, streamlining their marketing choices going forward.

Professionals tend to categorize customers based on social media usage, shopping preferences, the devices they use, or gaming habits. That way, they can produce media that will actually reach the people who are most likely to buy the product. It’s all about maximizing impact. 

Attitudinal or Psychographic Segmentation

This type of segmentation offers details about audience’s interests, mindsets, and wider perceptions. It can be anything from the fact that they dislike or like a certain brand, why they watch certain movie genres, and their values or lifestyle choices. 

Scott Jacobson ontario airport

Using Audience Segments for Customizing Messaging

Upon segmentation, entrepreneurs can use them to customize their marketing plans. Such personalization tends to reap more rewards, stretching marketing budgets further than previously assumed.

That said, business owners must take the time to fully understand these various segments. Different people respond to different marketing tactics. Only knowing the distinctions between these groups isn’t enough to maximize advertising impact. 

One of the most popular methods is to develop audience profiles. They may need to be changed further down the line, but they are a great tool to base creative briefs on. Businesses can alter their messaging to suit the people that are most likely to purchase. 

The Right Marketing Channel for The Right People

After customizing the messaging based on an audience profile, the only thing standing in its way is selecting the channel — Facebook, blog posts, email, Instagram, etc.

Choosing channels thoughtfully will ensure the return on investment every business hopes for. 

Storytelling in Advertising: Crafting Engaging Narratives for Brand Success

Scott Jacobson ontario airport

Storytelling and human communication go hand-in-hand. From early orated passages to the modern digital marketing era, the art of storytelling has always been an incredibly profound tool, having the ability to connect consumers to businesses in deeper, more meaningful ways. 

Scott Jacobson, airport advertising expert and founder of Fuse Advancement, explains that becoming a wordsmith leverages the untapped potential held within carefully crafted sentences to resonate with audiences, touch emotions, establish trust, and differentiate from the competition. 

The Power of Advertising

Everyone is drawn to stories; it’s part of what makes a human who they are — human. 

Boasting the power to engage, captivate, and leave a lasting impression, storytelling is the perfect component to any advertising campaign. When done expertly, it has the ability to effectively form a connection with an audience while efficiently relaying the brand message. In today’s rapid, digital world, that’s the best way for businesses to cut through the noise. 

Storytelling brings brands to life by creating memorable, impactful, shareable content that inspires awareness, loyalty, and more importantly, conversions. Consider it the key ingredient to a successful marketing campaign. 

Weaving Words: Creating a Marketing Narrative

As mentioned above, storytelling must be applied correctly; it’s all too easy to miss the mark. Thus, experts have put together a guide to help marketing newbies navigate these sometimes-daunting waters. 

One Upon a Time, There Was an Audience…

Effective storytelling begins with an intimate understanding of the target audience. Identifying their aspirations, values, and pain points indicates the direction of the narrative and how to incorporate it. Aligning the narrative with their desires and needs ensures that the story resonates with them. 

…Who Wanted to Know a Brand’s Message

Upon understanding an audience, defining the brand’s purpose and message comes next. One cannot exist without the other, so if a brand has a purpose, it certainly has a message. 

Weaving the business’s values into the story ensures that the narrative truly reflects its identity, effectively building credibility and trust. 

It Was Up to The Brand to Prove Authenticity

Another crucial aspect of storytelling: authenticity. The modern-day consumer is savvy, being capable of identifying inauthentic narratives almost immediately. Staying true to the brand values and making the story reflect that is the only way to go. 

Scott Jacobson ontario airport

But That Wasn’t Enough to Keep the Audience Interested – They Wanted More

As any book lover knows, characters are the core of an inspiring story. However, they need to be compelling and relatable, properly representing the brand.

From the founder to the customers to employees, humanizing the business through their journeys and experiences is a fantastic approach. 

And More Is What They Got. Yet, Emotions Remained a Little Untouched 

Brands should aim to tap into emotions through their stories, incorporating joy, inspiration, empathy, nostalgia, or a similar feeling into their narratives. Emotional themes ensure a deep, well-established bond with the reader.